Health Guidance for You in 2024

As we step into the new year, it’s a traditional time for self-reflection and goal-setting, especially around health and wellness. At Wright Physical Therapy, we recognize the challenges that come with lifestyle changes, especially when living with pain. We are committed to helping our community overcome those challenges. Here’s an expanded look at common mistakes and science-backed solutions for a healthier you.

Mistake #1: Setting Unrealistic Goals

One of the biggest hurdles in achieving health goals is the tendency to set unrealistic or too many goals. It’s common to start the year with high enthusiasm, aiming for drastic changes like daily high-intensity workouts or completely cutting out certain foods. However, this often leads to burnout and disappointment.

Solution: Adopt SMARTER Goals

At Wright Physical Therapy, we advocate for SMARTER goals: Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Risky, Timed, Exciting, and Relevant. This enhanced version of the well-known SMART criteria is tailored for lasting change:

  • Specific: Clearly define what you want to achieve. For example, “I will walk 30 minutes a day” instead of just “I will exercise more.”
  • Measurable: Set quantifiable benchmarks. “I will reduce my sugar intake to one dessert per week.”
  • Action-oriented: Plan specific actions. “I will join a weekly yoga class.”
  • Risky: Challenge yourself, but realistically. Set goals that are attainable yet push your limits.
  • Timed: Assign a timeline. “I will achieve these steps in the next three months.”
  • Exciting: Choose goals that genuinely excite and motivate you, such as healing that nagging shoulder pain at the root. 
  • Relevant: Ensure your goals align with your life’s values and long-term objectives.

smarter goals graphic

This approach helps in creating manageable goals that can adapt to life’s unpredictability. It encourages long-term thinking and flexibility in adjusting your goals.

Mistake #2: Negative Motivation

Many people start their health journey from a place of self-criticism or shame, such as feeling unfit or unhappy with their physical appearance or being upset they cannot run anymore. This negative motivation can lead to extreme and unsustainable practices.

Solution: Positive Reinforcement and Enjoyment

Change the narrative by focusing on positive reinforcement. Behavioral science shows that when people enjoy their new health habits, they’re more likely to stick with them. At Wright Physical Therapy, we recommend finding joy in the process:

  • Choose enjoyable physical activities that make you feel good.
  • Celebrate small victories along the way.
  • Surround your health journey with positive affirmations and support.
  • Wright Physical Therapy can help you with all of these targets to overcome a physical limitation. 

Mistake #3: Focusing on Avoidance

Setting goals that focus solely on avoiding certain behaviors, like “not eating junk food,” can be mentally draining and less effective. It places emphasis on what you shouldn’t do, rather than what you should.

Solution: Emphasize Positive Additions

Frame your resolutions around positive additions or learning new skills:

  • Instead of just cutting out unhealthy food, focus on discovering and incorporating new, healthy recipes.
  • Set goals to learn or improve a physical skill, like swimming or cycling, which adds a sense of accomplishment and progress.

By understanding and avoiding these common pitfalls, and embracing a more thoughtful, positive approach to health and wellness, you’re more likely to achieve and sustain your goals. At Wright Physical Therapy, we’re dedicated to supporting you on this journey, providing guidance and care tailored to your individual needs to get to the root of your pain. 

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