Cervical / Lumbar Traction

Spinal traction helps in relieving back pain by stretching the tight muscles of the spine, which results from spasm.

What is Cervical / Lumbar Traction?

Spinal traction comprises of either manually or mechanically created forces in order to stretch and mobilize the vertebrae of either the neck or low back. Cervical / Lumbar Traction helps in relieving back pain by stretching the tight muscles of the spine, which results from spasm. Spinal traction also helps widen the intervertebral foramen so that the nerve root impingement is relieved thus relieving back pain and radiating pain to promote healing.

How does Cervical / Lumbar Traction work?

Each patient is different and unique and what is effective for one patient may not be as effective for another. Therefore, each patient receives a thorough hands-on evaluation prior to spinal traction treatment. This evaluation allows the therapist to decide on the type of spinal traction to be used, the force/weight of the traction, and the length of treatment. Techniques in spinal traction depend partly on the patient’s physical condition, disorder, tolerance level and the level of the spine to be treated. Spinal traction may be applied manually, positional, or mechanically. Spinal Traction can be applied intermittently or as a continuous force. Traction can be utilized to treat herniated disc or protruding discs, degenerative disc disease, and osteoarthritis. There are many necks and low back traction devices or equipment available in the market which can be done at home also. However, you should always consult your physician before starting any spinal traction treatment and care should be taken when doing it at home.

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